As a urology specialist providing medical services, Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1987. He started his residency in urology at Gazi University Hospital in 1987 and completed his specialization in 1992, becoming a urology specialist. Dr. Biri completed his compulsory service between 1993-1995. In 1995, he was appointed as an assistant professor at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. Between 1997-1998, he participated in research in many areas of uro-oncology such as radical prostatectomy and radical cystectomy at the University of Southern California Kneed Norris Uro-oncology Center, and was involved in many clinical practices. He successfully passed the associate professorship exam in 1998 and continued his education and training activities as an associate professor at Gazi University. Between 2000-2003, he served as the head of urology and chief physician at Gazi Ankara Hospital. In 2004, he became a professor at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. Throughout his academic career, he has published over 80 national and international publications and presented papers. As the founding president of Koru Healthcare Group, Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri currently provides medical services to his patients at Özel Koru Ankara Hospital. Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri is particularly specialized in robotic surgery, and his medical interests include:

• Uro-oncology

· Prostate Cancer

· Bladder Cancer

· Kidney Cancer

· Testicular Cancer

• Andrology

• Robotic Surgery (Prostate, Bladder, Kidney, Renal Artery Stenosis)

• Endourology

• Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

• Kidney Stone Disease

• Infertility.

1981 – 1987 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, ANKARA
1988 – 1992 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology. Research Assistant, ANKARA
1995 – 1998 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology. Assistant Professor, ANKARA
1998 – 2003 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology. Associate Professor, ANKARA
2004 – ~ Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology. Professor, ANKARA

1992 – 1995 Urologist, Mandatory Service, Niğde State Hospital
1997 – 1998 University of Southern California Urooncology Center
2000 – 2002 Gazi University, Gazi Hospital Chief Physician
2000 – 2001 Ministry of Health, Pharmaceutical Licensing Main Commission member
1988 – ~ Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, ANKARA

Urooncology Robotic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery

Prostate Cancer

Endourology Urogynecology

prof. Dr. Hasan Biri has many international publications published in SSCI and more than 600 citations to these publications. prof. Dr. Hasan Biri has many book chapters related to his field in the books published in Turkey or translated into Turkish.

He has many publications published in domestic journals and more than 80 national and international publications and presentations at meetings.

Surgical treatment of an acquired posterior urethral diverticulum with cystoscopy assisted robotic technology.
Guneri C, Kirac M, Biri H.

J Robot Surg. 2016 Jul 20.

Does the Intensity of Cutting Power Affect Postoperative Symptoms During Transurethral Resection with a Monopolar System?
Kirac M, Guneri C, Deniz N, Biri H.

Indian J Surg. 2015 Dec;77(Suppl 2):589-93. doi: 10.1007/s12262-013-0933-1. Epub 2013 Jun 19.

Reduced radiation fluoroscopy protocol during retrograde intrarenal surgery for the treatment of kidney stones.
Kirac M, Tepeler A, Guneri C, Kalkan S, Kardas S, Armagan A, Biri H. Urol J. 2014 Jul 8;11(3):1589-94.

Laparoscopic nephropexy with polymer clips. Güneri C, Tunç L, Kirac M, Biri H, Bozkirli I.
JSLS. 2014 Jan-Mar;18(1):116-9. doi: 10.4293/108680813X13693422519235.

Ureteroscopy: the first-line treatment for distally located ureteral stones smaller than 10 mm. Kirac M, Atkin MS, Biri H, Deniz N.
Urol J. 2014 Jan 4;10(4):1028-34.

The efficacy of bupivacaine infiltration on the nephrostomy tract in tubeless and standard percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a prospective, randomized, multicenter study.
Kirac M, Tepeler A, Bozkurt OF, Elbir F, Ozluk C, Armagan A, Unsal A, Biri H. Urology. 2013 Sep;82(3):526-31. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2013.02.083. Epub 2013 Jul 4.

Comparison of retrograde intrarenal surgery and mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy in management of lower-pole renal stones with a diameter of smaller than 15 mm.
Kirac M, Bozkurt ÖF, Tunc L, Guneri C, Unsal A, Biri H.

urolithiasis. 2013 Jun;41(3):241-6. doi: 10.1007/s00240-013-0552-0. Epub 2013 Mar 13.

The use of titanium ligation clips in microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy. Kıraç M, Tunç L, Deniz N, Biri H.
Turk JUrol. 2013 Mar;39(1):29-34. doi: 10.5152/tud.2013.006.

The effect of microsurgical varicocelectomy on semen parameters in men with non-obstructive azoospermia.
Kirac M, Deniz N, Biri H.

CurrUrol. 2013 Jan;6(3):136-40. doi: 10.1159/000343527. Epub 2012 Dec 21.

Safety of ESWL in elderly: evaluation of independent predictors and comorbidity on stone-free rate and complications.
Polat F, Yeşil S, Ak E, Farahvash A, Karaoğlan U, Biri H, Bozkirli I.

Geriatric Gerontol Int. 2012 Jul;12(3):413-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0594.2011.00781.x. Epub 2011 Dec 23.

Direct upper kidney pole access and early ligation of renal pedicle significantly facilitates transperitone- al laparoscopic nephrectomy procedures: Tunc technique.
Tunc L, Canda AE, Polat F, Onaran M, Atkin S, Biri H, Bozkirli I.

Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2011 Dec;21(6):453-7. doi: 10.1097/SLE.0b013e31823badc1.

Treatment outcomes of semirigid ureterorenoscopy and intracorporeal lithotripsy in pregnant women with obstructive ureteral calculi.
Polat F, Yeşil S, Kıraç M, Biri H.

Urol Res. 2011 Dec;39(6):487-90. doi: 10.1007/s00240-011-0376-8. Epub 2011 Mar 30.

Association of genetic polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor gene and susceptibility to sporadic prostate cancer.
Onen IH, Ekmekci A, Eroglu M, Konac E, Yesil S, Biri H.

Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 Dec;233(12):1608-14. doi: 10.3181/0803-RM-110. Epub 2008 Oct 10.

The use of polymer clips in transperitoneal laparoscopic nephropexy. Tunc L, Yesil S, Guneri C, Biri H, Ure I, Bozkirli I.
Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2008 Feb;18(1):124-6. doi: 10.1097/SLE.0b013e31815678d7.

Laparoscopic nephrectomy for xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in the absence of kidney stones or clinical urinary infection.
Tunc L, Biri H, Onaran M, Krac M, Yesil S, Bozkirli I.

Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2007 Dec;17(6):570-2.

The association of 5alpha-reductase II (SRD5A2) and 17 hydroxylase (CYP17) gene polymorphisms with prostate cancer patients in the Turkish population.
Onen IH, Ekmekci A, Eroglu M, Polat F, Biri H. DNA Cell Biol. 2007 Feb;26(2):100-7.

Assessment of urinary symptoms in children with dysfunctional elimination syndrome. Tokgöz H, Tan MO, Sen I, Ilhan MN, Biri H, Bozkirli I.
Int-Urol Nephrol. 2007;39(2):425-36. Epub 2007 Feb 17.

No association between polymorphism in the vascular endothelial growth factor gene at position -460 and sporadic prostate cancer in the Turkish population.
Onen IH, Konac E, Eroglu M, Guneri C, Biri H, Ekmekci A. Mol Biol Rep. 2008 Mar;35(1):17-22. Epub 2007 Jan 11.

Minimally invasive treatment of ureteral calculi in children. Tan MO, Karaoglan U, Sozen S, Biri H, Deniz N, Bozkirli I. Urol Res. 2006 Dec;34(6):381-7.
Prolapse of a simple ureterocele presenting as a vulval mass in a woman. Sen I, Onaran M, Tokgoz H, Tan MO, Biri H, Bozkirli I.
IntJ Urol. 2006


Incidence of stress urinary incontinence among women in Turkey. Biri A, Durukan E, Maral I, Korucuoğlu U, Biri H, Tıraş B, Bumin MA.
Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2006 Nov;17(6):604-10. Epub 2006 Apr 21.

Renal brucelloma: a rare infection of the kidney. Onaran M, Sen I, Polat F, Irkilata L, Tunc L, Biri H. Int J Urol. 2005 Dec;12(12):1058-60.
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in L-shaped kidneys: report of two cases. Tokgöz H, Sen I, Tan MO, Onaran M, Biri H, Bozkirli I.
Int-Urol Nephrol. 2005;37(4):685-9.

An uncommon application of shock wave lithotripsy: encrusted double pigtail ureteral stent. Polat F, Yeşil S, Kiraç M, Tan MO, Biri H, Bozkirli I.
Int-Urol Nephrol. 2005;37(2):231-3.

The importance of re-evaluation in patients with cystitis glandularis associated with pelvic lipomatosis: a case report.
Sözen S, Gürocak S, Uzum N, Biri H, Memiş L, Bozkirli I. Urol Oncol. 2004 Sep-Oct;22(5):428-30.

Aqueous extract of Urtica dioica makes significant inhibition on adenosine deaminase activity in prostate tissue from patients with prostate cancer.
Durak I, Biri H, Devrim E, Sözen S, Avci A.

Simple dorsal plication near the 12 o'clock position for the correction of congenital ventral penile curvature.
Tan MO, Biri H, Gürocak S, Sen I, Kupeli B, Bozkirli I. Int J Urol. 2003 Dec;10(12):676-9.

Cavernosal tissue nitrite, nitrate, malondialdehyde and glutathione levels in diabetic and non-diabetic erectile dysfunction.
Tuncayengin A, Biri H, Onaran M, Sen I, Tuncayengin O, Polat F, Erbaş D, Bozkirli I. Int J Androl. 2003 Aug;26(4):250-4.

Primary high grade malignant lymphoma of bladder.
Coskun U, Günel N, Eroglu A, Biri H, Poyraz A, Gurocak S, Musa Bali MD. Urol Oncol. 2002 Sep-Oct;7(5):181-3.

14 Adet Yorum

Newzad Ahmed H. 

Profesör Doktor Hasan Biri'ye zorê serkeftinê dibînim. Ev doktor bi min re şîreta min di tedaviya kanserê de pêşî li xwe girt û bi alîkariya robotê, operasyona min pêk hat. Pişt re, bi zêdehî re diçûm. Sipas dikim.


I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri for the THULEP treatment he provided to me. He and his team, especially our translator, took excellent care of us. I extend my thanks to the staff at Koru Hospital

Samea Jawhar J. 

Sitra xwariya xwe dibistana herî baş li Koru ya ku bi pêşengiya Robotîk Cerrahî vedigere. Herwiha, doktor Hasan Biri herî tecrûbelî derbarê min şopand û çend mehan li ser nivîsandinan amadebûm. Min nîşan da ku ez di demeke dûrî de hatim û bawer dikim ku hûn ê herwiha bi şêweyek baş û pêşengiya bi teknolojiyê ve girêdayî jinan be. Min xwest ku vê agahiyê bide ku herî zêde hêvî û astengtirînî bigire û çareseriya pêwendiya min ê xirab bide. Di vê mijarê de, min ji te re gelek spas dikim.

Karrar Nissan A. 

أصيب والدي بسرطان البروستات وبحثنا كثيرًا عن أطباء. وأخيرًا وجدنا الدكتور حسن بيري. بعد العملية الجراحية، كان محمد بك، مترجم الطبيب، يتواصل معنا بانتظام للاستفسار عن حالة والدي الصحية. نحن سعداء جدًا لزيارة مستشفى بهذا القدر من الاهتمام. أشكر في البداية الدكتور حسن بيري، ثم السيد محمد أمين، والآخرين العاملين هناك.

Sana A. 

My father had prostate cancer. He underwent surgery with Dr. Hasan Biri. The surgery went very well, and he completely recovered from cancer. Six months after the treatment, I made this comment, and my father is doing great. I thank my doctor for everything.

Pargol R. 

Dr. Hasan Biri is the best doctor we have ever seen in Turkey. He has cured my husband's kidney disease. We thank him a lot. And the hospital is very good. We are lucky.

Farawil A. 

Wa dhakhtr wangzn mudo an la kulmay waxan ku qancay siduu ii dhagysty cabashadana qabo

عزيز ع. 

شكرا لكورو على التعامل الجيد والاهتمام وسرعة اتخاذ الاجرائات العلاجيه ووجود اطباء مميزين مثل د.حسن

asha o. 

waa dhakhatr wangzan waxu qalay habdey aad bay wangznty hadda

Abdi . 

Waa dhakhtar wangzn oo lagu kalsonan karo siduu wx u qabnayo oo wax hubsanya bukaankna si fican ula tacalya waxu qalay adeerkay aadbu u ficnyhy imika waad mahadsantey digtoor

Mohamed O. 

Dr hassan biri waa doctor 🏥 kii ugu fiicnaa Aniga ah Mohamed Osman ahmed ayuu qaliin igu sameeyay axl wanah ku fiicnaaday qaliinkii wanah doctor aad iyo aad ii soo dhaweeyay aniga xagayga waa doctor ugu fiicnaa ee aan arko dr hassan biri


Dr. Biri is the Person who gives trust to his patient. He has also Health team who make their jobs like him, perfectly. Thank you and your team for recovering me form kidney stone.


I am bringing my endless gratitude to Dr BIRI and his team , because they have played an important role for being healed of my husband.


We are so gratitude to Prof Dr. Hasan Biri and his team , because from the first consultation to the end of the operation, He has had always with us and clearly answered of our endless questions with his trustworthy personality. Endless Thank you to Dr. Biri & God Bless You.

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