Vahit Onur Gül graduated from the Gülhane Military Medical Faculty in 1998. He became a general surgeon specialist in 2009 and a general surgery associate professor in 2020. He served as a military doctor in almost every city in our country. He received training in robotic surgery in the USA and microsurgery in Switzerland. He participated in many advanced laparoscopic surgery courses both domestically and internationally. He presented numerous oral and written papers at conferences and meetings both domestically and internationally. He has extensive experience in robotic and laparoscopic colon, stomach, and rectal cancer surgery, thyroid and breast surgery. He is currently serving at Ankara Koru Hospital. His medical interests include:

Robotic Surgery

Obesity Surgery

Colorectal Surgery

Breast Surgery

Endocrine (Thyroid-Goiter) Surgery

Oncologic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery

Anal Region Diseases

Hernia Surgery

2004-2009 Gülhane Military Medical Faculty General Surgery Clinic, General Surgery Specialization Training

2017 Gülhane Training and Research Hospital General Surgery Clinic / Associate Professor of General Surgery

2016-2017 Edremit State Hospital General Surgery Clinic. Balikesir, General Surgery Specialist

2011-2016 Edremit Military Hospital General Surgery Clinic. Balikesir, General Surgery Specialist

2010-2011 NATO/KFOR, Turkish Union Medical Unit Chief Physician Prizren, Kosovo, General Surgery Specialist

2009-2010 5th Commando Regiment Special Infirmary Chief Medical Officer Gökçeada Canakkale, Turkey, General Surgery Specialist

2004-2009 Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Department of General Surgery. Ankara, Turkey, General Surgery Specialist

Robotic Surgery
Obesity Surgery
Colorectal Surgery
Breast Surgery
Endocrine (Thyroid-Goiter) Surgery
Oncological Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery
Anal Region Diseases
Hernia Surgery

Turkish Surgery Association

National Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery

National Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic SurgeonsLos Angeles

Emergency Trauma Instructor Training Course, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital

Cadaver Neck Dissection Course, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine

Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Course Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine

Robotic Surgery Course 2013 Washington DC, USA

Vascular Surgery Course Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine

Micro Surgery Course, University of Zurich, Zürich

Experimental Animals Course Gülhane Military Medical Faculty

Leadership Program in Regional Disaster Response and Trauma System Management: USAF Mobil Education Team

Emergency and War Medicine Course: Gülhane Military Medical Faculty

Emergency Advanced Life Support Course, Gülhane Military Medical Faculty


Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach to Complicated Recurrent Pilonidal Sinus. In: Shiffman M., Low M. (eds) Biofilm, Pilonidal Cysts and Sinuses. Gul V.O., Support S., Ahioglu S. (2017) Recent Clinical Techniques, Results, and Research in Wounds, vol 1. Springer, Cham

Internal Emergencies, Department name:(Acute Pancreatitis). Gül V.O., Özer S Academic Bookstore ISBN :978-

Trauma Surgery Application Techniques, Department name: (Local Wound Exploration). Gül V.O, Öner KISBN: 978-975-98418-2-9 2018

Trauma, Department Name: (Disaster Organization and Triage)Gül V.O., Eryılmaz M. ISBN:978-975-63952-4-9.2021

Parathyroid Diseases, Department Name: (Parathyroid Cancers) Yıldız, R., Gül, V.O.2021


Sinusectomy and primary closure versus excision and primary closure in pilonidal sinus disease: a retrospective cohort study. Gul, V.O., Support, S. Int J Colorectal Dis 2020 35, 1117–1124 .

Is it necessary to always resect elastofibroma dorsi?Gul, V.O., Sahin, M. ANZ Journal of Surgery

Predictive and prognostic value of L-lactate, D-dimer, leukocyte, C-reactive protein and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in patients with acute mesenteric ischemia. Support S, Yabacı A, Abik YN, Gul VO, Deger KC. Ulus Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery 2020;26:86-94.

Using Pentraxin-3 for diagnosing acute appendicitis and predicting perforation: A prospective comparative methodological study. Gul VO, Support S. Ulus Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery 2020;26:21-29.

Clinical and Pathological Evaluation of Benign Skin Lesions Support S. Gul VO Sains Malaysiana 48(12)(2019): 2693–2699

Effectiveness of conservative approach in right colon diverticulitis. Support S, Gul VO. Ulus Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery 2019;25:396-402.

Diagnostic efficacy of serum procalcitonin, IL-6, IL-2, and D-dimer levels in an experimental acute appendicitis model Support S, Gul VO, Mentes MO ,Cicek AF Turk J Gastroenterol. 2019 Jul; 30(7): 641–647 Published online 2019 Apr 8. doi: 10.5152/tjg.2019.18534

Brunner's Gland Hyperplasia and Hamartomas in Association with Helicobacter pylori Support S. Gul VO Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Volume 2019, Article ID 6340565, 6 pages

S100A4 May Be a Good Prognostic Marker and Therapeutic Target for Colon Cancer Support S, Gul VO Journal of Oncology Volume 2018, Article ID 1828791, 8 pages

Comparison of Lichtenstein Repair and Mesh Plug Repair Methods in The Treatment of Indirect Inguinal Hernia Support S. Gul VO Cureus. 2018 Jul; 10(7): e2935.

Approach to Inter Digital Pilonidal Sinus: Our Clinical Experience and Literature Review. Gul VO, Support S, Active E, Ahioglu S, Tatar Z, et al. (2016) Int J Surg Res Pract 3:042

A variety of gene polymorphisms associated with idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, S Support, VO Gul, S Ahioglu, Journal of Surgical Case Reports, Volume 2016, Issue 9, September 2016, rjw156,

Pituitary Adenoma and Hyperprolactinemia Accompanied by Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis Support S. Gul VO, Ahioglu S, Serin KR. Case Reports in Endocrinology Volume 2017, Article ID 3974291, 4 pages

A variety of gene polymorphisms associated with idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, S Support, VO Gul, S Ahioglu, Journal of Surgical Case Reports, Volume 2016, Issue 9, September 2016, rjw156,

Should all abscesses be drained? A viral infection of the hand VO Gul, S Destek, S Ozer, S Ahioglu, Y Erbil - Journal of Rare Disorders: Diagnosing 2016, 2:1. doi:10.21767/2380-7245.100036

A Rare Disease of the Digestive Tract: Esophageal Melanosis S Support, VO Gul, S Ahioglu, Y Erbil Gastroenterology Res. 2016 Jun; 9(2-3): 56–60. Published online 2016 Jun 18. doi: 10.14740/gr670w

Rare Type Cranial Postauricular Pilonidal Sinus:A Case Report and Brief Review of Literature S Support, VO Gul, S Ahioglu Case Reports in Surgery Volume 2017, Article ID 5791972, 3 pages


Effects of subjective sleep quality on the quality of life in patients with chronic anorectal disorder Akcay B, Gul VO, Ozer S, Akcay D, Eyigun O. Turk J Surg. 2018; 34(4): 276–281. doi:10.5152/turkjsurg.2018.3975

Hereditary Thrombophilia Risk Factors in Patients with Venous Thromboembolism Support S. Gul VO. East J Med 25(1): 26-32, 2020 DOI: 10.5505/ejm.2020.81905

The Factors Affecting Mortality In Isolated Penetrating Abdominal High Velocity and Low Velocity Firearm Injuries; Retrospective analysis of 2962 cases Kaymak S, Gul VOBOzok Med J 2020;10(2):203-9

A Service Hospital? Advanced End Surgery Hospital? One Month Temporary Assignment Experience.Gul VO, Support, S , Kaymak, S Sakarya MedJ 10 (2020 ): 183-190DOI: 10.31832/smj.692564

Temperament and character traits in patients with anorectal disorder. Akçay BD, Gul VO, Ozer S. J. Surg Med. 2018;2(1):17-22.
A rare cause of chronic dysphagia: eosinophilic esophagitis, S Support, VO Gul, S Ahioglu, Z Tatar, Y Erbil Journal of Surgical Case Reports, Volume 2014, Issue 9, September 2014, rju096, /jscr/rju096

A Rare Endocrine Disease, Parathyroid Carcinoma: Case Reports and a Brief Review of the Literature S Support, YE Ersoy, ME Aysan, VO Gul CausaPedia. 2019; 8(3): 75-80.

The Relationship Between Nonspecific Duodenitis And Gastritis With Helicobacter Pylori Support S. Gul VO ACU Saglik Bil Derg

Diffuse idiopathic necrobiosis lipoidica: case report S Support, VO Gul, S Ahioglu - Cukurova Medical Journal, 201843:1 215-220


The Diagnostic Importance of Blood Procalcitonin, D-dimer, Il-2 and Il-6 Levels in
Acute Appendicitis Model Developed on Rabbits
Vahit Onur Gul, Oner Mentes, Orhan Kozak, ErdincCakir, Ali Fuat Cicek, Ugur Musabak
European Society For Surgical Research29 May- 1 June, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
European Surgical Research 2013;50DOI: 10.1159/000351978

Comprasion of Method in Inguinal Hernia: Lichtenstein and Plug Mesh
Vahit Onur Gul, Mehmet Ince, Serhat Ozer
European Society for Surgical Research May 21-24, 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Eur Surg Res 2014;52:DOI: 10.1159/000363269

Comparing Three Repair Method for theTreatment of Ingrown Nail
Ergin Active, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu
European Society for Surgical Research May 21-24, 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Eur Surg Res 2014;52:DOI: 10.1159/000363269

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Pilonidal Sinus;Comprasion of Two Methods
Vahit Onur Gul, Mehmet Ince, Serhat Ozer, Serkan Ahioglu, Ergin Active
European Society for Surgical Research May 21-24, 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Eur Surg Res 2014;52:DOI: 10.1159/000363269

Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach to Complicated Recurrent P. Sinus
Vahit Onur Gul, Mehmet Ince, Serhat Ozer, Ergin Active, Serkan Ahioglu, Vedat Cimin, D.Sen European Society for Surgical Research May 21-24, 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Eur Surg Res 2014;52:DOI: 10.1159/000363269

6. Venous Thromboembolism Associated With Thrombophilic Gene Polymorphisms
S. Support, V. Onur Gul, S. Ahioglu, M. Tükenmez, N. Aksakal, M. Keskin, Y. Erbil
 K. Serin European Society for Surgical Research June 10-13, 2015, Liverpool, U K
 Eur Surg Res 2015;55 DOI: 10. 1159/381839

The Role of Duodenogastric Reflux in Development of Gastric Cancer. Moment
Experimental Research of the Preventive Effects of Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors and
Honey S. Support, M. Keskin, E. Balik, S. Yamaner, D.Bugra, A. Akyüz, V. Onur Gul, S. Ahioglu European Society for Surgical Research June 10-13, 2015, Liverpool, U K
Eur Surg Res 2015;55(suppl 1):1-167 3 DOI: 10. 1159/381839

An Effective Treatment Of Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: Prolactin Inhibitors
S. Support, V.O. Gul, S. Ahioglu, M. Endless , N. Aksakal, M Keskin, K. R Serin, Y.Erbil
European Society for Surgical Research June 10-13, 2015, Liverpool, UK
Eur Surg Res 2015;55 DOI: 10. 1159/381839

The Affect Of Intraperitoneal Ropivacaine And Incisional Bupivacaine Combination To
The Comfort Of The Patient By Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Operation
V. O. Gul, S. Support, E. Active, S. Ahioglu, S. Ozer
European Society for Surgical Research June 10-13, 2015, Liverpool, UK
Eur Surg Res 2015;55 DOI: 10. 1159/381839

Importance of Facial Suture In The Development of Trocar Site Hernia After Laparoscopic Surgery
V O. Gul, S. Support, E. Active, S. Ozer
European Society for Surgical Research June 10-13, 2015, Liverpool, UK
Eur Surg Res 2015;55 DOI: 10. 1159/381839

Calcifying Epithelioma Of Malherbe As Determined By Subcutaneous Mass Excision
S. Support, V.O. Gul, E. Active, S. Ahioglu, S. Ozer
European Society for Surgical Research June 10-13, 2015, Liverpool, UK
Eur Surg Res 2015;55 DOI: 10. 1159/381839

A Rare And Premalignant Pathology Of Esophagus: Esophageal Melanocytosis
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioğlu, Zeynep Tatar, K Rahmi Serin
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Cooccurence Of Benign Gastric Epithelial Polyps With Helicobacter Pylori And Alkaline Reflux Gastritis
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioğlu, Zeynep Tatar
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Brunners Gland Hyperplasia: Our Cases And Features
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioğlu, Zeynep Tatar, K. Rahmi Serin
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Our patients by whom we determined benign sporadic non-ampullary duodenal polyp and their
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Vedat Cimin, K.Rahmi Serin, F.Kağan
Gök, Zeynep Tatar
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Relationship between Brunner Gland Hyperplasia and Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Vedat Cimin, Zeynep Tatar
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

A rare cause of chronic dysphagia: eosinophilic esophagitis
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahiog

lu,Vedat Cimin, Zeynep Tatar, Müge Hatun 8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305 -0

Relationship Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Melanosis Coli
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Treatment of our case with Rectal prolapse and Solitary rectal ulcer by Laparoscopic Ripstein Operation Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu,Vedat Cimin, Zeynep Tatar, K. Rahmi Serin, Metin Keskin
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Gallbladder polyps determined by patients subjected to laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the diagnosis cholelithiasis
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Vedat Cimin
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Rare Form Of Endometriosis: Incisional Endometriosis At The Abdominal Wall; Our Clinic Experiences
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Zeynep Tatar, Mustafa Tükenmez, Yesim Erbil
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Comparison Of The Efficiency Of Centella Asiatica Usage With The Conventional Treatment In The Secondary Wound Healing After Pilonidal Sinus Surgery
Vahit Onur Gul, Sebahattin Support, Ergin Active, Vedat Cimin, Serkan Ahioglu,
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

Eosinophilia and Ig E increase are not obligatory by eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases.
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Vedat Cimin, Zeynep Tatar
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15—17, 2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0305-0

A variety of gene polymorphisms associated with idiopathic granulomatous mastitis
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Müge Hatun, Mustafa Tükenmez, Nihat Aksakal, YeŞim Erbil
8th Annual Meeting of Chinese College of Surgeons and 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery Beijing, May 15-17,2015 Eur Surg (2015) 47 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-305-0

Characteristics and surgical treatment of cutaneous vascular lesions
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul , Serkan Ahioglu
European Society for Surgical Research Eur Surg Res 2016;57(suppl 1):1–141 54
DOI: 10. 1159/446131

Features of Benign Gastric Polyps Found in Endoscopic Screening
Sabahattin Support , Vahit Onur Gul , Serkan Ahioglu
European Society for Surgical Research Eur Surg Res 2016;57(suppl 1):1–141 54
DOI: 10. 1159/446131

Annoying Perianal Disease Benign Fibroepithelial Anal Polyps
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul , Serkan Ahioglu
European Society for Surgical Research Eur Surg Res 2016;57(suppl 1):1–141 54
DOI: 10. 1159/446131

Rare Type Cranial Postauricular Pilonidal Sinus
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul , Serkan Ahioglu
European Society for Surgical Research Eur Surg Res 2016;57(suppl 1):1–141 54
DOI: 10. 1159/446131

Characteristics and surgical treatment of cutaneous vascular lesions
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul , Serkan Ahioglu
European Society for Surgical Research Eur Surg Res 2016;57(suppl 1):1–141 54
DOI: 10. 1159/446131

Reflux esophagitis and esophageal squamous polyp association
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul , Serkan Ahioglu
European Society for Surgical Research Eur Surg Res 2016;57(suppl 1):1–141 54
DOI: 10. 1159/446131

The Relationship between acute pancreatitis disease activity and il-6 and procaltionin levels
Vahit Onur Gul , Serkan Ahioglu, Sebahattin Support
21st Congress Of Balkan Military Medicine Committee June 2016 Bucharest Romania


Relationship of Colorectal Polyps with Helicobacter Pylori Bacilli
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Mujge Hatun
 Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Treatment of our case with rectal prolapse and solitary rectal ulcer with Laparoscopic Ripstein Surgery Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tukenmez, Yeşim Erbil
              Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Rare Type of Pilonidal Sinus: Cranial Postauricular Pilonidal Sinus
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gül, Zeynep Tatar, Kürşat Rahmi Serin, Metin Keskin, Ali Fuat Kaan Gök . Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Our Cases with Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Z Tatar, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tukenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Relationship Between Irritable Colon Syndrome and Melanosis Coli
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tukenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

A Rare Cause of Chronic Mucous Diarrhea: Eosinophilic Colitis
Sabahattin Support, Z Tatar, Vahit Onur Gul, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tukenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Eosinophilic Rectitis in Adults
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Kurşat Rahmi Serin, Metin Keskin, Ali Fuat Kaan Gok
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Characteristics of Our Patients with Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tukenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Melanosis Coli in a Patient with Irritable Colon Syndrome Not Using Laxatives
Sabahattin Support, Zeynep Tatar, Vahit Onur Gul, Metin Keskin, Ali Fuat Kaan Gok
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

A Rare Cause of Chronic Mucous Diarrhea: Eosinophilic Colitis
Sabahattin Support, Zeynep Tatar, Vahit Onur Gul, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tükenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Eosinophilic Rectitis in Adults
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Kurşat Rahmi Serin, Metin Keskin, Ali Fuat Kaan Gok Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Characteristics of Our Patients with Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tükenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Is Eosinophilic Colitis More Common in People with Immune System Diseases?
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Metin Keskin, Ali Fuat Kaan Gok
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Association of Solitary Rectal Ulcer, Anal Fistula and Anal Fibroepithelial Polyp
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gül, Zeynep Tatar, Kürşat Rahmi Serin, Metin Keskin, Kaan Gök
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Associated Anorectal Diseases in Patients with Benign Fibroepithelial Anal Polyps
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Zeynep Tatar, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tükenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

With Colorectal Polyps in Patients Undergoing Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Lower Gastrointestinal System Diseases
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioğlu, Kurşat Rahmi Serin, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tukenmez, Yeşim Erbil
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Colorectal Polyps We Detected in Lower Digestive System Endoscopic Examinations and Their Characteristics
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Zeynep Tatar
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Melanosis Coli Caused by Anthraquinone Laxative Use
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Müjge Hatun, Zeynep Tatar
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 19-23 May 2015 Antalya

Characteristics of Benign Stomach Polyps We Detected in the Surgical Endoscopy Unit
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Zeynep Tatar
National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 22 – 26 April 2015 Antalya

The Relationship of Colorectal Polyps with Pathologies Found in Upper Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gül, Serkan Ahioğlu, Mustafa Tükenmez, Nihat Aksakal, Yeşim Erbil National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 22 – 26 April 2015 Antalya

Characteristics of Polyps Found in Upper Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy in Patients with Colorectal Polyps
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gül, Serkan Ahioğlu, Zeynep Tatar, Kürşat Rahmi Serin, Fuat Kaan Gök National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 22 – 26 April 2015 Antalya

Gallbladder Polyps Detected in Surgical Specimens of Patients who underwent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with the Diagnosis of Stone Cholecystitis
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Zeynep Tatar,
Kürşat Rahmi Serin
National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 22 – 26 April 2015 Antalya

Precursor Lesion of Esophageal Melanomas: Esophageal Melanocytosis
Sabahattin Support, Vahit Onur Gul, Serkan Ahioglu, Mustafa Tükenmez, Nihat Aksakal, Yeşim Erbil
National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 22 – 26 April 2015 Antalya

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