Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

Koru Hospital's Pediatric Surgery Department is dedicated to providing exceptional care for children who require surgical treatment. Our team of highly trained pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and support staff work together to ensure that your child receives the best possible care before, during, and after their surgery.

What is Pediatric Surgery?

Pediatric Surgery is a branch of medicine that focuses on the surgical treatment of children from newborns to adolescents. Pediatric surgeons are trained to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of congenital and acquired conditions that require surgery. These conditions may include birth defects, tumors, injuries, infections, and other medical conditions.

Common Conditions Treated in Child Surgery

At Koru Hospital's Pediatric Surgery Department, we specialize in treating a variety of conditions that affect children, including but not limited to:
Congenital anomalies: These are birth defects that occur during fetal development, such as cleft lip and palate, hernias, and spina bifida.
Trauma: Children are prone to injuries from accidents, falls, and sports, which can lead to broken bones, cuts, and other injuries that require surgery.
Tumors: Children may develop benign or malignant tumors that require surgical removal.
Infections: Some infections in children may require surgery, such as appendicitis, abscesses, and cysts.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Children may experience a variety of gastrointestinal disorders that require surgical treatment, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), pyloric stenosis, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Most Common Congenital Abnormalities During Pregnancy

Respiratory System Anomalies: Respiratory system anomalies resulting from incomplete maturation of the respiratory tract and developmental disorders in the distal alveolar tissue can occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. These types of lesions can be detected by prenatal ultrasound.
Kidney Abnormalities: Abnormalities in the kidneys can also be detected by fetal anomaly screening. Small-sized kidneys, kidney cysts, misplaced kidneys, and kidney deficiency can be detected by fetal anomaly screening. Many diseases detected in the kidneys can also be treated at present time.
Lung Anomalies: Lung anomalies can occur in the baby while in the mother's womb. These diseases such as lung cysts, developmental disorders, and incomplete lung development are diagnosed by detailed ultrasound imaging. Treatment for such diseases can be done after birth depending on the condition of the abnormalities.
Urinary Tract and Bladder Problems: Kidney and urinary tract abnormalities that can be detected before the baby is born should be diagnosed immediately after birth with imaging methods and appropriate treatment should be started.
Digestive System Anomalies: Structural disorders such as incomplete development of the esophagus, small and large intestine, obstruction, insufficient development of the stomach, mass and tumor formation in this region, and diaphragmatic hernias can be detected in the baby while in the mother's womb. Detecting these structural abnormalities and sections before the baby is born allows child surgery specialists to make appropriate preparations after the baby is born.
Genital Anomalies: Closure of the anus, abnormalities related to the urinary tract and bladder, and structural genital abnormalities can occur. 
Abdominal Wall Anomalies: It is composed of structural disorders of the anterior abdominal wall and intestines. The baby's intestines may be outside the abdominal cavity. Treatment is possible depending on the baby's condition after diagnosing this situation.
Congenital Tumors: It is possible to diagnose and treat cysts and tumors in the neck and head region. Usually, these abnormal structures are detected with ultrasound and then treatment is started.

Congenital Abnormalities that can be detected in the Neonatal Period (0-28 days)

Respiratory and lung abnormalities that occur immediately after birth: Breathing difficulties and lung developmental disorders may require surgical intervention by a pediatric surgeon once diagnosed.
Esophageal abnormalities: In cases where the esophagus is not fully developed, the baby may not be able to even swallow saliva. In such cases, immediate surgical intervention by a pediatric surgeon is necessary.
Gastrointestinal abnormalities: Diagnosis and treatment are required immediately after birth in cases where the Duodenum is blocked congenitally, and the stomach is not fully developed, causing problems such as inability to defecate and passing bloody stools.
Liver and Bile Duct Abnormalities: Symptoms such as white stool and prolonged jaundice in babies with underdeveloped bile ducts may indicate gallbladder and liver problems. These conditions can be diagnosed with detailed ultrasound imaging.
Kidney, Urinary Tract and Bladder Abnormalities: Kidney and urinary tract abnormalities that can be detected in the mother's womb can be fully diagnosed with imaging methods immediately after birth, and appropriate treatment should be started.
Abnormalities in Abdominal Wall Formation: Abdominal wall anomalies can be diagnosed with inspection during physical examination after birth. Once abnormalities are detected, the treatment process is initiated by determining whether there are any additional anomalies.
Congenital Tumors: Tumors that can occur in the head, neck, and almost anywhere in the body and various organs are diagnosed, and the treatment process is started.
Problems that can be encountered during infancy (2-24 months)
Congenital Abnormalities: Respiratory system problems, gastrointestinal problems, kidney-related problems, urinary tract and bladder problems, as well as genital problems that arise after the baby is born, are treated by Pediatric Surgery. There may be some conditions that require immediate intervention in the first months of life. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment by a Pediatric Surgeon are very important.
It is an important condition caused by food not being able to move through the intestines. This disease is usually seen in babies between 3 months and 2 years old. It occurs when a part of the intestine enters inside the other intestine. The main symptom of the disease is vomiting and abdominal pain. In later stages, the colour of the vomit may turn yellow-green, and blood may come from the anus. These symptoms indicate intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis can be made by physical examination and radiological findings performed by a pediatric surgeon. If the patient is appropriate non-surgical options can be performed first. Surgical procedure is applied in patients if non-surgical options fail.
Meckel Diverticulum: It is a congenital anomaly that occurs due to structural abnormalities in the gastrointestinal system. The symptoms of the disease are rectal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, and inflammation. Half of the gastrointestinal bleeding in children usually originates from Meckel's diverticulum. If there are signs and symptoms, the diagnosis is made by abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, and laparoscopy. It is treated with surgical intervention.
Pyloric Stenosis: It is an anomaly of the pylorus (narrowing of the gastric outlet). Narrowing occurs at the gastric outlet due to excessive thickening of the pyloric muscles. The symptoms are vomiting (projectile, white in color), weight loss, and failure to gain weight. The diagnosis of the disease is felt during examination. Muscle thickness can be measured by ultrasound. Treatment can be performed surgically by Pediatric Surgery.
Biliary Obstructions: Gallstones can occur in children as well as adults. It occurs when a stone blocks a canal. The symptoms are cramp-like abdominal pain. These pains are also felt in the back and right scapula in the later period. Treatment is generally performed surgically in stones that cause symptoms.

Common Diseases in Childhood

Inguinal Hernia: The most obvious symptom of the disease is swelling in the inguinal region. Symptoms increase if the hernia is strangulated. If the diagnosis is delayed, symptoms such as vomiting and inability to poop develop. Treatment is carried out by surgical intervention by Pediatric Surgery.
Hydrocele: While boys are in the womb, their testicles begin to develop in their own womb. The testicles descend from their abdomen to the scrotum in the last two months of pregnancy with the help of a canal from the groin. These channels close automatically when their duty is finished. However, these channels are not closed in children with this disease. Swelling occurs in the groin and bag as a result of the internal fluid flowing through these channels. It is treated surgically.
Undescended Testicle: It occurs as a result of one or sometimes both testicles not implanting in the scrotum. It is more common in premature babies. Undescended testicles can lead to infertility. Surgical intervention should be performed in testicles that do not descend in the first month after birth.
Umbilical Hernias: While the baby is in the womb, the veins in the navel are responsible for the blood exchange needed between the mother and the baby. The umbilical cord closes after birth. In rare cases, umbilical hernia may occur if there are protrusions from areas close to this area. The most important symptom of this disease is the navel protruding when the baby cries. An umbilical hernia can be detected on physical examination. For treatment, the disease is usually observed. For hernias that do not close in the first two years, surgical intervention may be necessary after the age of four.
Appendicitis: The symptom of appendicitis, which can also be seen in children, is the limitation of physical activities due to abdominal pain, loss of appetite, pain intensifying in the lower right side of the navel, vomiting, and pain that tends to concentrate on the right side, such as leaning forward and walking. It should be treated surgically without delay. In such cases, a Pediatric Surgeon should be consulted without wasting time and the patient should be treated immediately.
Intestinal obstructions: Intestinal obstructions can occur with the intertwining of the intestines. Symptoms of intestinal obstruction may include abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, constipation, vomiting, inability to pass gas, and abdominal bloating. In such cases, a Pediatric Surgeon should be consulted immediately. If the cause of intestinal obstruction is a mechanical obstruction, a surgical method is applied.
Objects entering the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract: These are the accidents that occur when objects or foods that the child cannot eat get into the trachea and cause respiratory diseases. Symptoms may include difficulty in breathing, bruising, wheezing, and deterioration in mental status. In such cases, immediate medical intervention is required and intervention should be performed by Pediatric Surgery according to the location of the object entering the trachea.
Childhood solid tumors: Solid tumors can be either benign or malignant. Symptoms may include weight loss, unexplained fever, fatigue, weakness, headache and nosebleeds. Early treatment is vital for a diagnosed disease.
Endocrine gland system-related problems: There are glands in the human body that promote growth, with the pituitary gland being the main one. Hormonal imbalances during childhood can negatively affect growth and development. Surgery for glandular diseases, kidney and adrenal gland tumors, and endocrine gland system tumors (thyroid, pancreas, adrenal gland) is performed by pediatric surgery.
Abnormalities related to the reproductive and excretory systems: The most common abnormalities are narrowness at the kidney exit, vesicoureteral reflux, uretero, pelvic narrowing, absence of the urinary hole in its proper place, incomplete circumcision, epispadias, surgical problems related to the bladder, and anomalies related to gender. Pediatric surgery is involved in the treatment of these problems.
Esophageal problems (acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux): Acid reflux is a common disease in children. If respiratory problems, growth retardation, pneumonia, and lung infections occur with reflux, treatment is necessary. Treatment may initially involve medication, but if the discomfort persists after 6 months, surgery may be necessary.
Abnormalities of the abdominal and chest walls: Absence of abdominal muscles at birth, inwardly curved chest wall (pectus excavatum), outwardly curved chest wall (pectus carinatum). These problems may not be noticeable immediately after birth and may become more prominent in later life. If the appearance is severe enough to disturb the child, they may also be affected psychologically. Surgical intervention may be required depending on the severity of the problems.

Problems with the vascular and lymphatic systems (hemangiomas and lymphangiomas)

Childhood accidents: Burns, falls and collisions, blunt and penetrating traumas require intervention by a pediatric surgeon.

Our Approach to Pediatric Surgery

At Koru Hospital's Pediatric Surgery Department, we understand that surgery can be a stressful experience for both the child and their family. That's why we take a multidisciplinary approach to care, providing comprehensive preoperative, operative, and postoperative support to ensure a successful outcome.
Our team of pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses are experienced in providing age-appropriate care and pain management for children. We use the latest surgical techniques and technologies to minimize the risks and complications associated with surgery and promote faster recovery.
If your child requires surgical treatment, you can trust Koru Hospital's Child Surgery Department to provide the highest quality care in a safe, supportive, and child-friendly environment. Our team of experts is committed to working with you and your child to ensure a successful outcome and a smooth recovery.

Pediatric Surgery

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