General Intensive Care

What is an Intensive Care Unit?
Intensive Care Unit is a unit that aims to heal patients with severe dysfunction in one or more organs or organ systems, is privileged in terms of location and patient care, equipped with advanced technology equipment, and where vital indicators are monitored and treated 24 hours a day.
Koru Ankara Hospital Intensive Care Unit:
Koru Ankara Hospital Intensive Care Unit has 16 beds in total, including 2 special isolation rooms. Its medical infrastructure and staff have been established to provide Level III intensive care where the most serious patients are followed and treated. The follow-up and treatment of our patients are carried out under the supervision of experienced nurses and specialist doctors for 24 hours. All patient beds are equipped with monitors that constantly monitor the vital findings of the patients and alert the medical team when necessary.
For our patients who need respiratory support, this support is provided by using ventilators that enable us to provide it with a mask or a tube placed in the trachea.
Perfusers and infusion pumps are used to deliver the necessary fluid, medicine and nutrients to our patients precisely.
Hemodiafiltration and hemodialysis devices used in the treatment of patients with acute or chronic renal failure for any reason are among the technical equipment of the intensive care unit of Koru Ankara Hospital.
Treatments are carried out in a multidisciplinary manner, under the coordination of the intensive care doctor, with the contribution of physicians from all required branches.