
Koru Hospitals Clinical Laboratories
We use the latest technological devices and up-to-date methods in our laboratories to provide service with the policy of "ensuring trust, dignity and patient satisfaction in healthcare". Koru Hospitals Clinical Laboratories serve with experienced specialist doctors and staff who constantly improve their knowledge and follow new developments in the branches of Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Microbiology, Serology and Hematology.
Our laboratories are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In our laboratories, tests that help diagnose many important diseases involving the heart, liver, bone and kidney, tests with tumor markers, allergy tests, hormone level measurements, pre-pregnancy screening tests, and tests for the diagnosis of various infections, rheumatic diseases, bleeding disorders and drug use are carried out.
In our microbiology laboratories, various samples of the human body are analyzed, such as urine, feces and blood samples as well as vaginal and throat swabs. The aim is to isolate disease factors such as bacteria, fungi, mold, and parasites.
Our laboratories are under the assurance of daily internal quality control as well as international quality control. It is included in CAP (College of American Pathologists) and QC Net (BIO RAD) quality control programs, which are widely used all over the world.