Op.Dr. Osman Tuğrul GÜZELDİR was born on May 1, 1983. After completing his pre-graduate studies, he successfully graduated from Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine and obtained the title of medical doctor. He specialized in Otorhinolaryngology at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine and became an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist.

After completing his specialization training, Op.Dr. Osman Tuğrul GÜZELDİR worked at Afyonkarahisar Bolvadin Dr. Halil İbrahim Özsoy State Hospital from 2013 to 2015. He later served in various private hospitals in Ankara. In 2020, he joined the academic staff at Istanbul Health and Technology University and currently serves as an Assistant Professor at Koru Ankara Hospital.

Op.Dr. Osman Tuğrul GÜZELDİR is a member of the Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Turkish Skull Base Society, Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Rhinology Society, and Ankara Medical Chamber. He also has a good command of English.

His medical interests include:

Head and neck tumors
Aesthetic and Functional Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty)
Eardrum and middle ear diseases
Dizziness, hearing loss, and balance disorders
Thyroid and parathyroid gland diseases
Childhood neck masses
Salivary gland diseases and tumors
Childhood ear-nose-throat diseases
Nasal congestion and sinus diseases
Hoarseness and laryngeal diseases

Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine: 2001-2007

Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Otorhinolaryngology: 2008

2008-2013 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine - Research Assistant

2013-2015 Afyonkarahisar Bolvadin State Hospital (State Service Obligation) - Specialist Dr.

2015-2018 Lösante Children and Adult Hospital - Specialist Dr.

2018-       Ankara Koru Hospital - Specialist Dr.

2020 Istanbul Health and Technology University - Faculty Member

I had the chance to be an observer/fellow with Prof.A.Balm and Prof.Bing Tan at Amsterdam Cancer Institute in 2012 on head and neck and oncological surgery.
Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of head and neck tumors

Aesthetic and Functional Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty)

Diagnosis and surgical treatment of eardrum and middle ear diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of dizziness, hearing loss and balance disorders

Surgical treatments of thyroid and parathyroid gland diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of childhood neck masses

Diagnosis and treatment of salivary gland diseases and tumors

Diagnosis and treatment of childhood ear-nose-throat diseases

Diagnosis and surgical treatment of eardrum and middle ear diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of nasal congestion and sinus diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of hoarseness and laryngeal diseases

1. Turkish Skull Base Association

2. Turkish Rhinology Association

3. Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery

4. Turkish Medical Association

Duties taken in congresses, courses, meetings and symposiums

F1. Osman Tuğrul Güzeldir Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery 13th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, 5 April 2018.

F2. Osman Tuğrul Güzeldir Organ Protection Protocols in Laryngeal Tumors TKBBV 3rd Spring Meeting 12 April 2018.

G. Attended scientific congresses, meetings and courses

33. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Antalya, 26-30 October 2011, Antalya, Turkey.

Vertigo Academy, 13-16 October 2011, Gazi Magosa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

10th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery April 26-28 2012 Ankara,Turkey

34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey

10th Turkish Rhinology Congress, 22-25 May 2014, Antalya, Turkey

36. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 5-9 November 2014 Antalya/Turkey

33.Isian,15.IRS,4.ARS Rhinology Meeting,20-24 November 2014 Dubai,UAE

11th Turkish Rhinology Congress, 16-19 April 2015, Antalya, Turkey

37th National ENT Congress, 28 October-1 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey

TKBBV 3rd Spring Meeting April 12, 2018. Antalya, Turkey

13th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, 5 April 2018. Ankara, Turkey

8th World Congress for endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses,Skull Base ,Brain and Spine ,Barcelona July 5-8 2018

A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals

A1. Kızıl Y1, Aydil U, Cebeci S, Beautiful OT, Inal E, Bayazıt Y

Characteristics and management of intractable neck involvement in tularemia: Report of 19 patients . Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Apr;269(4):1285-90. doi: 10.1007/s00405-011-1830-5.

A2. Y.Kizil, U.Aydil, M. Yilmaz, O. Ekinci, O.T.Guzeldir, V.A.Savas, A.Koybasioglu Vocal Cord Leukoplakia: Characteristics and Pathological Significance. Int J Phono Laryngology 2012; 2:9-13.

A3. Osman T. Is Beautiful Utku Aydil Yusuf Kizil Ilker Akyildiz Ahmet Koybasioglu

The effect of infrahyoid muscle sectioning on hyoid bone position and oropharyngeal air column volume: Infrahyoid Muscle Sectioning. laryngoscope 2015 Jun;125(6):1480-4. doi: 10.1002/lary.25049.

B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book

B1. Güzeldir OT, Aydil U, Kızıl Y, Akyıldız İ, Köybaşıoğlu A. The effect of infrahyoid muscle release on hyoid bone position and oropharyngeal air column volume in an animal model. 11th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 17-19 April 2014, Ankara/Turkey (This study was later published as an international article. See A2)

B2. Osman Tuğrul Güzeldir, Fulya Köybaşıoğlu, Ahmet Köybaşıoğlu, Ömer Uluoğlu, Ahmet Emin Kurekçi, Odontogenic Myxofibroma and Fibrous Dysplasia in the Maxillary Sinus: Case Report 13th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, 5 April 2018.

C. International books or chapters in books written


D. Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book

D1. Kızıl Y, Aydil U, CebeciS, Güzeldir OT, İnalE, BayazıtY. Clinical features and treatment approaches of tularemia patients with treatment-resistant neck involvement. 33. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Belek, Antalya 26-30 October 2011. (This study was later published as an international article. See A1)

D2.Kızıl Y, Aydil U, YılmazM, EkinciÖ, GüzeldirOT, SavaşVA, KöybaşıoğluA. Clinical and histopathological features of benign vocal cord leukoplakia. 33. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Belek, Antalya 26-30 October 2011. (This study was later published as an international article. See A3)

D3. Osman Tuğrul Güzeldıṙ 1, Gökhan Tataylak1, Selvi Ceren2, Çetin Özkan2, Hasan Can3, Koray Koraltan Demir4, Muammer Melih Şahin6, Ramazan Akbay5, Barış Erdoğan1, Orhan Kırmalı1 Multidisciplinary Approach to Severe Tinnitus and Results of Tinnitus Masking Therapy Applied to Selected Patients 06 November 2014 Thursday 36 .National ENT-BBC Congress

D4. Osman Tuğrul Güzeldir .Koray Koraltan Demir, Use of MVR blade and T ventilation tube in Endoscopic Intranasal Dacryocystornostomy 36. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 5-6 November 2014, Antalya, Turkey.

D5. Uluoglu, F. Koybasioglu, A. Koybasioglu, Osman Tugrul Guzeldir. Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma in submandibular gland localization: A case report in rare localization ,27. National Pathology Congress, 15-18 November 2017, Antalya, Turkey.

E. Cited publications

E1.Kızıl Y1, Aydil U, Cebeci S, Güzeldir OT, Inal E, Bayazıt Y

Characteristics and management of intractable neck involvement in tularemia: Report of 19 patients . Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Apr;269(4):1285-90. doi: 10.1007/s00405-011-1830-5.

1.Y.K.Kemaloğlu .Letter "Characteristics regarding and management of intractable neck involvement in tularemia" Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 270(1) August 2012
2.Tuncer E1, Onal B, Simsek G, Elagoz S, Sahpaz A, Kilic S, Altuntas EE, Ulu Kilic A.

Tularemia: Potential role of cytopathology in differential diagnosis of cervical lymphadenitis: Multicenter experience in 53 cases and literature review. APMI. 2014 Mar;122(3):236-42.

3. Mengeloglu Z1, Duran A, Hakyemez IN, Ocak T, Kucukbayrak A, Karadag M, Tas T, Akdeniz H.Evaluation of patients with Tularemia in Bolu province in northwestern Anatolia, Turkey. J Infect DevCtries. 2014 Mar 13;8(3):315-9.

4.Nguyen DT1, Félix-Ravelo M2, Toussaint B2.

A rare infection revealed by cervicofacial masses. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2014 Jun;131(3):207-9.

5. Trung Duc Nguyen B.Toussaint

 Une infection rare révélée par des masses cervico-faciales Annales Francaises d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-Faciale 131(3):190–192 · June 2014.

6. Gozel MG1, Engin A, Altuntas EE, Salk İ, Kaya A, Celik C, Dokmetas I, Bakir M, Elaldi N.

Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Findings of Pediatric and Adult Patients with Oropharyngeal Tularemia in Turkey: a Combination of Surgical Drainage and Antibiotic Therapy Increases Treatment Success. pn J Infect Dis. 2014;67(4):295-9.

7.M.Tezer G. Övet N. Alataş M.Görgülü E. Koç, M.Öztürk

Clinical manifestations of 16 oropharyngeal tularemia patients: Experience of a referral hospital in the city of Konya, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Medical Science

Poster Presentation First Prize:

     Güzeldir OT, Aydil U, Kızıl Y, Akyıldız İ, Köybaşıoğlu A. Effect of infrahyoid muscle release on hyoid bone position and oropharyngeal air column volume in an animal model. 11th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 17-19 April 2014, Ankara/Turkey.

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