Işıl Saatçi Çekirge, MD, graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1987. She received her Radiology specialty from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. She continued her education in Neuroradiology at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and worked there as a research assistant. She received her Radiology specialty from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1992, and after working as an Assistant Professor from 1992 to 1996, she became an Associate Professor in 1996 and a full Professor in 2003. Until 2014, she taught as a Professor at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. Throughout her academic career, she has written many academic articles and provided numerous educational activities both nationally and internationally. She currently continues to work with her patients at Koru Ankara Hospital.

Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine Hacettepe University 1987
M.Sc. Medical Faculty Radiology Department Hacettepe University 1992
Post-doctorate, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology (Prof.) Hacettepe University 2003

Research Assistant: Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology. (1987-1992)
Clinical Fellow: Neuroradiology; Georgetown University Washington D.C. (1991-1992)
Radiology Specialization: Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology. (1992)
Assistant Professor: Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology. (1992-1996)
Associate Professor: Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology. (1996-2003)
Professor : Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology. (2003-2014)

Turkish Society of Radiology Turkish Society of Neuroradiology

Turkish Interventional Radiology Association

WFITN : World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology

C.I.R.S.E : Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe

ESNR : European Society of Neuroradiology (still serving as Turkey representative in the International committee of the association)

2 Adet Yorum

Efşp Ufuk A. 

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde geçirdiğim beyin anevrizması sonrası Amerikalı cerrahımın tavsiyesi üzeeine, 6 ay sonra, kontrol amsçlı beyin anjiyosu için sayın Işıl Saatçi ile randevulaştım ve Bağlı bulunduğu Ankara Koru Hastanesi’ne gittim. Sempatik tavırları, alanı ile ilgili bilgi ve tecrübesi, olağanüstü izah tarzı ile beni doğru yerde olduğum konusunda kendisine olan güvenimi dahada arttırdı. Ekibi ve kendisi mükemmel bir iş çıkartarak kısa sürede MR ve anjiyo işlemlerimi gerçekleştirdiler. Son derece profesyonel bir ekip ve Koru Hastanesi’nin gerek hijyen, konfor gerekse ilgi yönünden mükemmel olduğunu söylemek isterim.

جنان م. 

كورو اسم ينقذ المرضى من مصير مجهول فيه يكون الوضوح التام للمريض وأهله نبارك جهود الدكتورة وفريقها وكادر مستشفى كورو وعباس الجسر الواصل بين المريض والمستشفى الذي يتحمل الكثير ولا يتعب وكأنه من عائلة المريض رائعة دكتورة القسطرة ولا تتردد رغم صعوبة الحالة لها أكبر رقم بالرياضيات تحية تمنياتنا بالنجاح الدائم وانا تدرب كادر الشباب من الأطباء لأنها كنز ثمين يجب الحفاظ عليه لخدمة الإنسانية.

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