2012 2015 Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine

2016 - 2017 Adnan Menderes University - Gynecology and Obstetrics Research Assistant

2018 - 2022 SBÜ Ankara Atatürk Sanatorium Training and Research Hospital - Chest Diseases Research Assistant

Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Allergy Tests
SARS-CoV-2 and Lung Diseases
Acute Bronchitis
Interstitial Lung Diseases
Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Hypertension
Respiratory Failures
Intensive Care Patient Tracking
Noninvasive and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Treatments
Tobacco Addiction and Treatment
Smoking-related Lung Diseases
Lung cancer
Pleural Effusion Diagnosis and Treatment
Thoracentesis, Pleural Fluid Drainage
Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Turkish Thoracic Association

European Respiratory Society,

Lung Health and Intensive Care Association

Turkish Respiratory Research Association

A. Full articles published or accepted for publication in journals scanned by indexes accepted by YÖK regarding the main fields for associate professorship applications

1. Baykal H, Çelik D, Bulut S, Kurt HG, Ülger. Loss of smell in COVID-19 patients: is it related to clinical-radiological disease severity? AMNESTY. ACNJ 2022; 4: 228-233.

2. Çelik D, Yıldız M, Kurt HG, Saymaz TZ. Do high PaCO2 levels during discharge from the hospital predict medium-term mortality in chronic respiratory failure patients without domiciliary non-invasive mechanical ventilator? JOMPAC 2022; 3: 135-141.

3. Kurt HG, Çelik D, Yıldız M, Ertan Ö. Does Low Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Really Predict Mortality in Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? Acta Media N. 2023;6: 113- 119.

4. Ertan Ö, Çelik D, Yıldız M, Kurt HG. Prediction of pulmonary intensive care unit readmissions with Stability and Workload Index for Transfer score. EJP 2023; 25:98-106

5. Kurt HG, Öztürk A. Ergür FÖ. Hemoglobin red cell distribution width ratio as a prognostic marker in patients with IocaIIy advanced lung adenocarcinoma. Anatolian C.J 2023; 5:329-333.
6. Ergür FÖ, Öztürk A, Şener BU, Kurt HG. Prognostic significance of albumin-to-alkaline phosphatase ratio for overall survival in metastatic lung adenocarcinoma patients. Journal Of Health Sci. Art.2023; 6: 1255- 1260.

B. Papers published as summary text in scientific meetings such as international congresses, symposiums and workshops

1. Kurt HG, Ergür FÖ, Öztürk A. Hemoglobin Red Cell Distribution Width Ratio as a Prognostic Marker in Locally Advanced Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients. University of Health Sciences 4th Internal Defects Congress SB: 09 Istanbul 2021.
2. Saymaz ZT, Kurt HG, Çelik D, Yıldız NI. Research of the blood CRP Ievel's effects on prognosis with COPD patients UASK S: 92 Antalya 2022.

3. Kurt HG, Saymaz ZT, Çelik D, Yıldız M. The relationship of hemoglobin parameters with exacerbation and hospitalization in COPD patients. UASK P:181 Antalya 2023.

4. Kurt HG, Akıncı Özyürek B, Akyürek N, Erdoğan Y. Average
The relationship between Platelet Volume (Mpv), Mpv/Platelet (Plt) Ratio, Lymphocyte/Monocyte Ratio (Lmr) and progression-free survival in advanced stage egfr-mutant lung adenocarcinoma treated with Egfr Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor. Respiratory 2022 SS: 05 Cyprus 2022.

5. HG Kurt, Özçıbık G, Turna A, Ak G, Nletintaş M, Türk i etc. Possibility of malignancy in lung nodules: Suitability of existing algorithms and development of a new national algorithm. Respiratory 2022 SS: 109. Cyprus 2022.

6. HG Kurt, Öztürk A, Uzer Şener M, Öztürk Ergür F, Yılmaz A, Saymaz ZT. Clinical course of granulomatous lymphadenitis diagnosed by EBUS-TBNA. Respiratory 2022 SS: 112 Cyprus 2022.

C. Paper presented as a poster at scientific meetings such as international congresses, symposiums and workshops:

1. Hasret Gizem Kurt, Hüsnü Baykal, Seher Musaonbaşıoğlu, Figen Öztürk Ergür, Ayşe Füsun Ülger. Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis? Lung Malignancy? Turkish Respiratory Research Association
41st National Congress, 2019. (EP-015).

2. Hasret Gizem Kurt, Hüsnü Baykal, Seher Musaonbaşıoğlu, Figen Öztürk Ergür, Ayşe Füsun Ülger. Osler Weber Rendu: Due to pulmonary nodule. Turkish Respiratory Research Association 41st National Congress, 2019. (EP-096).

3. Hasret Gizem Kurt, Hüsnü Baykal, Seher Musaonbaşıoğlu, Figen Öztürk Ergür, Ayşe Füsun Ülger. Rare lung diseases: Primary Hypereosinophilic Syndrome. National Lung Health Congress 2020.(PS-009).
4. Hasret Gizem Kurt, Figen Öztürk Erpür, Ayperi Öztürk.Local Hemoglobin Red Cell Distribution Width Ratio as a Prognostic Marker in Advanced Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients. University of Health Sciences 4th Internal Diseases Congress, 24-27 November 2021, Istanbul Türkiye. SBU 4th Internal Medicine Congress Proceedings Book 2021; SB 09; 23s.

D. Written national/international books or chapters in books:
1. Hasret Gizem Kurt. ‘Definition and Management of COPD Acute Exacerbations’, Medicine and Health Research Theory Method and Practice, Ed. Prof.Dr.Halit Demir, 33-45, Livre De Lyon Publishing, Lyon, 2021.
2. Hasret Gizem Kurt. 'Respiratory Failure and Supportive Treatments' Current Approach to Chest Diseases, Ed Assoc. Berna Akıncı Özyürek 331-337, Hipokrat Publishing, Ankara 2022.
3. Hasret Gizem Kurt, Berna Ai‹ıncı Özyürek 'Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis' Current Approach to Interstitial Lung Diseases, Ed Assoc.Prof.Dr. Berna Akıncı Özyürek, 101-109 MediHealth Academy Publishing Ankara 2023.

E. Scientific meetings he contributed to the organization of

1. TÜSAD Young Academicians Literature Presentation, Hasret Gizem Kurt. ‘Protecting healthcare workers SARS COV-2 infection: Practical Indicators’ Literature Presentation TÜSAD GEAK 2020.
2. TÜSAD Young Academicians International Guide Translation, Pınar Akın Kabalak, Melahat Uzun Şener, Hasret Gizem Kurt et al. ‘Chest Journal Screening for Lung Cancer: Chest Guideline and Expert Panel Report Translation within the Scope of TÜSAD International Guides. October 2021.

Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation Certificate

İyider, 12th Sleep Disorders Certificate

1. Hasret Gizem Kurt, Öztürk A, Uzer Şener M, Öztürk Ergür F, Yılmaz A, Saymaz ZT. Clinical course of granulomatous lymphadenitis diagnosed by EBUS-TBNA. Respiratory 2022 SS: 112 Oral Presentation Second Prize.

2. Hasret Gizem Kurt, Özçıbık G, Turna A, Ak G, Metintaş M, Türk Î etc. Possibility of malignancy in lung nodules: Suitability of existing algorithms and development of a new national algorithm. Respiratory 2022 SS: 109. Cyprus 2022. Oral Presentation Respiratory 2022 Outstanding Researcher Award

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