Education and Experience:

Specialist of Pediatrics:    2020-            :   Koru Chukurambar Hospital in   Ankara

Assistant Proffesor:          2019-2020  : High Specialized University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Liv Hospital in Ankara

M.D Program:                    2015-2019  : Hacettepe University faculty of  Medicine, Pediatric Department, residency education & research assistant

                                            2010-2014  : Istanbul University Istanbul  Faculty of Medicine

University passing            2007-2008  : State Testing Center; second examination  degree all over the country

                                            2007-2008 :  Baku High College Number 191 

                                            2006-2007: New Education Complex name after Haydar Aliyev  (Robert College in Baku)   

Profession: Pediatrics


Other Professions:

  • Childhood Autoinflammatory Disseases
  • Childhood Rheumatic Disseases
  • Childhood Immunological Disseases
  • Breastfeeding Counseling
  • Education of Breastfeeding Counseling
  • Newborn and Risky Newborn
  • All of General Pediatrics evaluations

Medical Education and Modality of Medical Education


Turkey's National Pediatric Association

Turkish Society of Pediatric Rheumatology

Ankara Medical Chamber

Israeli IVF Association

Israeli Society of Pediatrics

International Medical Collaboration Association of Tel-Aviv University Ichilov-Sourasky Medical Center

European Chronic Pain Society

Baku Robert College Alumni Association

Azerbaijan State Examination & Testing Center Independent Experts Association


  • ‘Breastfeeding Consultant Training and National Evaluator Training’ Certificate, T.C. Ministry of Health
  • ‘Breastfeeding Counseling Trainer Training and National Evaluator Training’ Certificate, T.C. Ministry of Health
  • ‘Neonatal Resuscitation Program Practitioner Certificate’, T.C. Ministry of Health
  • From Infant to Adolescent Nutrition Course ’Certificate, Hacettepe Association of Pediatric Education Development and Support
  • ‘Pediatric Advanced Life Support Course Certificate, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health
  • Occupational Health and Safety Training of Employees Hacettepe Certificate, Hacettepe University
  • 'Fundamentals Training of Medical Statistics'Certificate
  • ‘Scientific Publishing Course Certificate, Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences
  • NMEA (The National Medical Education Accreditation Agency) Student and Medical Education Certificate during the accreditation process, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine














Research and Publications:

Articles published in National Journals:

  • Emil Aliyev, Kamile Arıkan, Ateş Kara; Çocuk Enfeksiyon Servisine Kist Hidatik Tanısıyla Yatırılan Çocuk Hastaların Klinik Özelliklerinin Retrospektif Olarak İncelenmesi, Ocak 2018, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.19007.76961, Conference: 11. Ulusal Çocuk Enfeksiyon Kongresi
  • Emil Aliyev, Pınar Gür Çetinkaya, Çağman Tan, Begüm Özbek, Deniz Çağdaş Ayvaz, Feyzi İlhan Tezcan; Hemofagositik Sendrom kliniği ile izlenen hastada BLM mutasyonu ilişkisi, Şubat 2018, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.22782.64320, Conference: 5. Ulusal Pediatrik İmmünoloji Kongresi
  • Kübra Aykaç, Emil Aliyev, Mehmet Ceyhan, Ateş Kara; Sinuzit sonrası gelişen subdural ampiyem, Ocak 2017, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17330.04800, Conference: 21. Ulusal Çocuk Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi
  • Emil Aliyev, Ayşe Büyükçam, Kübra Aykaç, Ali Bülent Cengiz, Mehmet Ceyhan, Ateş Kara; Araç içi trafik kazasına sekonder gelişen İnvazif Pnomokok Enfeksiyonu, Ocak 2017, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.16071.75685, Conference: 21. Ulusal Enfeksiyon Kongresi
  • Emil Aliyev, Aydın Adıgüzel, Deniz Çağdaş Ayvaz; IL-12 receptor β1 defect in patients with intracellular bacteria infections and BCG vaccine complications, Mart 2016, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.18168.90887, Conference: 7. Ulusal Çocuk Solunum Yolu Hastalıkları ve Kistik Fibrozis Kongresi
  • Emil Aliyev (Proje sahibi No: P4172956); Proje adı: ABC (Artificial Beta Cell), December 2013, Experiment Findings, Private file,
  • Nilgün Yalçınoğlu, A.E. Önal, Emil Aliyev; Eşcinsel ve biseksüel erkeklerin içselleştirilmiş homofobi düzeyi ve sağlık üzerine etkileri/The internalized homophobia level of the homosexual and bisexual men and its effect., 2014/8/22, Turkish Journal of Public Health 12 (2), 100-112


Articles published in International Journals:

  • K Sel, E Aypar, YN Dönmez, E Aliyev, HH Aykan, T Karagöz, D Alehan; Palivizumab compliance in congenital heart disease patients: factors related to compliance and altered lower respiratory tract infection viruses after palivizumab prophylaxis, 2020/7/2, Cardiology in the Young 30 (6), 818-821
  • Çagman Tan, Emil Aliyev, Deniz Çagdas-Ayvaz, Ayse Metin, Özlem Keskin, İlhan Tezcan, Özden Sanal; Clinical and genetic features of IL12R [Beta] 1 deficiency: Single center experience of 18 patients, Çagman Tan, Deniz Çagdas-Ayvaz, Ayse Metin, Özlem Keskin, İlhan Tezcan, Özden Sanal, 2016/7/1, The Turkish journal of pediatrics, 58/4, pages 356, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
  • U Parlatan, G Başar, N Bavili, H Yumru, F Sag, S Bulgurcuoglu, E Bastu, E Aliyev; Embryo viability indexing using Raman spectroscopy of spent culture media, 2016/7/1, Spectroscopy Letters 49 (7), 458-463
  • A Büyükcam, H Güdücüoğlu, K Karaman, V Gürbüz, E Aliyev, A Kara, M Ceyhan; Invasive pneumococcal infection due to serotype 15A after the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine implementation in Turkey, 2017/8/3, Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 13 (8), 1892-1894
  • Selcan Demir, Ezgi Deniz Batu, Fuat Akal, Erdal Sag, Ummusen Kaya Akca, Elif Arslanoğlu, Emil Aliyev, Kübra Yüksel, Armağan Keskin, Yelda Bilginer; AB0960 THE HELIOS (HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY ELECTRONIC RESEARCH FORMS) REGISTRY: USE OF BIOLOGIC DRUGS IN AUTOINFLAMMATORY DISEASES, 2019/6/1, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, page 78, Suppl 2, 1946-1947, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
  • Ninel Revenco, Rodica Eremciuc, Emil Aliyev; AB0963 ROLE OF THYROID HORMONES IN JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS, 2019/6/1, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, page 78, Suppl 2, 1947-1948, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd


  • 2011-2019:                 State Scholarship for Eğitim Education Abroad for                                     International Educational and Scientific Achievements
  • 2008-2011:                 Special Scholarship of the President of Azerbaijan for                                their achievements in education and their success in the                         University Entrance Exam
  • 2015-2019:                 Hacettepe University ‘İhsan Doğramacı Scholarship to                               Support Pediatrics Education’
  • 2014:                          ‘Dean's Scientific Research Award’, Istanbul University                             Istanbul Medical Faculty
  • 2013:                          Kharkov National Medical University, Best Scientific                                Study Award and Best Gynecology and Obstetrics                                                Award
  • 2012:                          ‘Marcus & Elcus’ and Dt. Yosef Yahya Medical Award,                              SPP (Society for Protection of the Poor) B’nai                                        B’rith International Achievement Awards, 2012-2014
  • 2012:                          'Student Science Day Congress' name after Professor                                  Tuncay Altuğ, best scientific research award
  • 2008:                          Second prize in Azerbaijan Biology Science Olympics
  • 2007:                          Second Prize in Azerbaijan Biology Science Olympics
  • 2006:                           Third Prize in Azerbaijan Biology Science Olympics
  • 2005:                          Honorable Mention at the World Biology Science                                       Olympics
  • 2003:                          ‘Humanitarian Principles and Principles of the World                                 Humanitarian Law’                                                                                       1st place in the competition ICRC (International                                          Committee of the Red Cross),

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