What Is Atelectasis? How To Treat It?
Pulmonary Diseases

What Is Atelectasis? How To Treat It?

    What Is Atelectasis? How To Treat It?

    What Is Atelectasis? How To Treat It?


    Atelectasis is a condition where there is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Learn about its causes and symptoms here!

    Atelectasis occurs when airways collapse due to excess mucus buildup. It can occur in people with lung disease, asthma, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).


    Causes Of Atelectasis

    In some cases, atelectasis can be caused by a viral infection, such as influenza or pneumonia. Other times, it can be caused by a bacterial infection, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Sometimes, it can also be caused by a chemical exposure, such as chlorine gas poisoning.


    Symptoms Of Atelectasis

    Atelectasis occurs when airways become blocked with mucus or other fluids. This prevents oxygen from getting into the blood stream, causing low levels of oxygen in the body. If left untreated, atelectasis can lead to respiratory failure.


    Treatment Options For Atelectasis

    There are several treatment options available for atelectasis. These include medications, breathing exercises, and chest physiotherapy. Medications such as bronchodilators and steroids can help open up the airways. Breathing exercises can also help clear out the mucus and loosen the muscles in the chest wall. Chest physiotherapy involves using special equipment to massage the chest and remove secretions.


    What Causes Atelectasis?

    Atelectasis occurs when there is an accumulation of fluids in the lungs. This happens because the airway passages become blocked by mucus or other substances. In some cases, the blockage is caused by infection. Other times, the blockage is due to inflammation or swelling of the lining of the airway.

    What Is Atelectasis? How To Treat It?

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Medical Editorial Board

    Approved by on 08.10.2022

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