What Causes Nose Bleeds?

What Causes Nose Bleeds?

    What Causes Nose Bleeds?

    What Causes Nose Bleeds?

    What causes nose bleeds? Find out here!

    Nosebleeds are often caused by an imbalance in blood flow through the nasal passages. This can happen when there is too much pressure on the arteries that supply blood to the nose. The most common cause of this problem is a cold or flu virus. Other factors include allergies, sinus infections, hormonal changes, and stress.


    The Nasal Cavity

    The nasal cavity is located at the top of the head just behind the forehead. It contains two openings called nostrils. These openings connect with the upper airways (the trachea and the bronchi) and allow us to breathe. The nasal cavity also houses the paranasal sinuses.


    Blood Vessels

    There are three main blood vessels that run through the nose. They are the internal carotid artery, external carotid artery, and the maxillary artery. All three arteries branch off the common carotid artery. The internal carotid artery supplies blood to the brain, while the external carotid artery supplies the face and neck. The maxillary artery supplies blood to the cheek area.


    A Defect in the Nerve Tissue

    In some cases, nosebleeds occur when there is a defect in the nerve tissue that controls the blood vessels in the nose. This condition is called vascular malformation. It occurs when the blood vessel wall becomes too thick or develops an abnormal shape.


    An Infection or Inflammation

    A common cause of nosebleeds is infection. If you notice blood coming from your nose while you are sick, it could be because you have a cold or flu. You might also notice blood coming from your nostrils after blowing your nose. This is usually caused by inflammation of the nasal lining.



    Other causes of nosebleeds include injury to the head or neck, bleeding disorders, and certain medications.

    What Causes Nose Bleeds?

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Medical Editorial Board

    Approved by on 18.08.2022

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