Dyslexia Definition, Symptoms & Causes

Dyslexia Definition, Symptoms & Causes

    Dyslexia Definition, Symptoms & Causes

    Dyslexia Definition, Symptoms & Causes

    Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading, writing, spelling, and other language skills. It also impacts math and sometimes memory.

    Dyslexia is a neurological condition that causes difficulty in processing information through the brain. People with dyslexia often experience problems with attention, focus, organization, and memory.


    What Is Dyslexia?

    Dyslexia is an impairment of the ability to read, write, spell, or do mathematics. It is not caused by bad parenting, lack of intelligence, or laziness. It is a disorder of the brain that occurs when children learn how to read and write before their brains are fully developed.


    Common Signs of Dyslexia

    There are several signs that a child has dyslexia. These include difficulty with phonological processing (the sound system), visual perception, attention span, and motor coordination. Children who have dyslexia often struggle with reading and writing because they cannot process sounds as quickly as others. They also tend to focus more on details than on the big picture.


    Theories About Why People Have Dyslexia

    One theory suggests that dyslexia is caused by an imbalance between two brain systems: the left hemisphere, which controls speech and language, and the right hemisphere, which processes visual stimuli. Another theory says that dyslexia is due to a problem with the connections between the areas of the brain responsible for reading and writing. Still another theory suggests that dyslexic children have a smaller area of the brain called the fusiform gyrus, which helps them recognize faces.


    Treating Dyslexia

    There are several treatments available for dyslexia, including behavioral therapy, computer programs, and medication. Behavioral therapies help people learn how to read more effectively. They teach students to pay attention to details, such as letter patterns, and to use strategies to improve their reading speed. Computer programs can help students practice reading and spell words. Medications can help some people who struggle with dyslexia focus better and concentrate.


    Resources for Parents

    If you suspect your child has dyslexia, talk to your doctor. He or she will likely refer you to an educational specialist who can diagnose your child and recommend treatment options.

    Dyslexia Definition, Symptoms & Causes

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Approved by on 18.10.2022

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    Koru Ankara Hospital