What is Urinary Tract Infection? Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms and Treatment

What is Urinary Tract Infection? Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms and Treatment

    What is Urinary Tract Infection? Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms and Treatment

    Urinary tract infection, which is one of the more common diseases in women, is a general name given to infections that affect any part of the urinary tract. Urinary tract infection is one of the diseases that can negatively affect the quality of life of people in the long term. It is also known to cause different diseases if left untreated.

    In our article, we will try to give brief information about the most frequently asked questions about urinary tract infection.


    What is Urinary Tract Infection?

    Urinary tract infection, with its simplest definition, is an infection that occurs in the urinary tract region of the body, that is, in the bladder, kidneys or ureters. It occurs when harmful bacteria that cause infection settle in the urinary tract and create an infection. After a while, inflammation begins in the area where harmful bacteria settle. This formation is usually seen in the lower urinary tract. Inflammation in lower urinary tract infection is seen in the parts called bladder and urethra, where urine is carried out from the kidneys. This lower urinary tract infection that occurs in the bladder is defined as cystitis and is the most common type of urinary tract infection.

    These infections, which are seen in the lower parts of the urinary tract such as the bladder and urethra, are usually easily treatable and do not cause great discomfort to the patient. However, the infection seen in the upper urinary tract, that is, in the ureteral canal, which provides the connection between the kidneys and the kidneys and the bladder, is much more dangerous. If urinary tract infection spreads to these areas, it can cause diseases such as pyelonephritis. Or it can reach the kidneys and cause permanent damage to the kidneys. In this type of infections, early diagnosis and diagnosis and initiation of treatment are very important.


    What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?

    The most common symptoms in people with urinary tract infections are a burning sensation during urination and an increased urge to urinate frequently. However, in some cases, urinary tract infection can occur without showing any symptoms. In fact, 5 to 10 out of a hundred women experience urinary tract infection without showing any symptoms in women, the gender where urinary tract infection is most common. The most common urinary tract infection symptoms can be listed as follows;

    • Burning or pain sensation during urination
    • Feeling the need to urinate constantly
    • Bloody or dark-colored urine color close to brown,
    • Difficulty holding urine
    • Bad odor from urine
    • Difficulty holding urine
    • Decrease in urine flow,
    • A very small amount of urine despite the feeling of urgency,
    • Swelling and pain in the lower abdomen,
    • Fire,
    • Weakness,
    • nausea and vomiting,

    All these symptoms are the main symptoms generally seen in urinary tract infection. In addition to these symptoms, if the infection has reached the kidney region, different symptoms can be seen. The symptoms seen in this case are usually in the form of tenderness in the kidney region, pain in the side, increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting. However, these symptoms are not seen in all cases where the infection reaches the kidney. Instead, lower urinary tract infection symptoms are more prominent.


    What are the causes of urinary tract infection?

    The main reason behind urinary tract infection is infection caused by bacteria most of the time. These bacteria are bacteria of the Escherichia coli type, which are usually found in the person's own stool. These bacteria climb up the urethra and cause urinary tract infection. Although Escherichia coli is the most common type of bacteria encountered in urinary tract infection, it is known to rarely cause urinary tract infection in sexually transmitted viruses or fungi such as gonococci and chlamydia.

    Some environments and situations make it easier for these viruses and bacteria to form in the urethra or to go up from the urethra. If we give an example of some of these situations;

    • Wet environments such as pool, sea, Turkish bath or sauna,
    • genital discharge,
    • Not paying attention to genital hygiene,
    • unprotected sexual intercourse,
    • Frequent partner changes
    • Insufficient fluid consumption and consequently insufficient urine output,
    • Conditions that may cause a decrease in body resistance,
    • urinary tract obstructions,
    • Various birth control methods
    • Menopause.

    All these conditions are some of the conditions that cause urinary tract infection if not taken care of.


    How is urinary tract infection diagnosed?

    Urinary tract infection, as the name suggests, is a type of infection that occurs in the urinary tract, so the most effective way to diagnose is urinalysis. For this reason, urinalysis is performed primarily in order to diagnose the patient with suspected infection. With this assay, it is examined in detail whether there are bacteria and viruses, organisms and blood parts that can cause infection in the urine. As a result of these examinations, the diagnosis of urinary tract infection is made definitively. This assay, which is performed for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection and enables the determination of the bacterial species causing the infection, is very important in determining the treatment method. The type of antibiotic to be used according to the type of bacteria is determined according to the urinalysis.


    How is urinary tract infection treated?

    If a urinary tract infection is only in the lower urinary tract and is uncomplicated, it is usually easily treated and heals in a short time. In addition, 30% to 50% of these urinary tract infections have not been observed to heal spontaneously and without damage. However, since urinary tract infection can cause serious conditions, a specialist doctor should be consulted first. Because antibiotic treatment may be required to prevent complications or symptoms that may occur and to completely destroy the bacteria causing the infection. In addition, upper urinary tract infection, which has similar symptoms with lower urinary tract infection in the first stages, can cause permanent damage, especially in the kidney, if not treated in the early period.

    Regular use of antibiotics given by the doctor for treatment helps to reduce the negative symptoms seen in the patient as soon as possible. However, even if most of these symptoms decrease, it is very important to use the antibiotic in the dose and time given by the doctor in order to prevent the infection completely. Stopping the antibiotic as soon as the symptoms subside may cause the symptoms to come back.


    Frequently asked questions about urinary tract infection

    In which gender is urinary tract infection more common?

    Women are more susceptible to infection due to the anatomical structure of their genital areas. Urinary tract infections occur more frequently in women because the urinary tract of women is shorter.

    Is there a possibility of recurrence of urinary tract infection despite treatment?

    Urinary tract infection may recur if untreated, not completely eliminated with antibiotics or in cases where antibiotic therapy is not completely concluded.

    What can be done to prevent urinary tract infection?

    The most effective way to prevent urinary tract infection is to take plenty of fluids and pay attention to genital area hygiene. It is very important to pee regularly and prevent constipation, especially in children.

    As Koru Hospital team, we tried to answer the questions about urinary tract infection, what are its symptoms and causes, how it is diagnosed, how to treat it, as well as common questions about urinary tract infection. We hope it was a useful article. You can contact us to get more information about urinary tract infection or to get an appointment with our specialist doctors.

    What is Urinary Tract Infection? Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms and Treatment

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Medical Editorial Board

    Approved by on 20.12.2021