Cholera Virus Facts, Symptoms & Treatment
Infectious Diseases

Cholera Virus Facts, Symptoms & Treatment

    Cholera Virus Facts, Symptoms & Treatment

    Cholera Virus Facts, Symptoms & Treatment

    Cholera is an acute infectious disease caused by Vibrio cholerae bacteria. It causes severe diarrhea and dehydration.

    Cholera is a serious bacterial infection that spreads through contaminated food or water. The symptoms include profuse vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.


    The symptoms include profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, and sometimes death.

    There are two main forms of cholera: epidemic and endemic. Epidemic cholera occurs when there is a large outbreak of cases. This type of cholera usually starts with a few cases and then quickly spreads throughout a population. Endemic cholera occurs more slowly and affects people who live in certain areas where the bacteria are present year round.


    What Is Cholera?

    Cholera is a bacterial infection that causes severe watery diarrhea and vomiting. It is spread through contaminated food or water. People infected with cholera often develop severe dehydration because the body loses too much fluid. If left untreated, cholera can cause death within 2–7 days.


    What Are the Causes of Cholera?

    Cholera is caused by a bacterium called Vibrio choleras. This bacterium lives in warm saltwater areas such as estuaries, rivers, and coastal waters. It is also found in soil and sewage. It is transmitted when people eat foods or drink liquids containing feces. These foods or drinks come into contact with the mouth, nose, or eyes.


    What Are the Symptoms of Cholera? What Should I Do?

    Cholera symptoms usually appear within 12 to 48 hours after exposure to contaminated food or water. They include sudden onset of profuse watery diarrhea (often accompanied by vomiting), rapid loss of body fluids, muscle cramps, and extreme weakness. People who develop these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.


    How Can I Prevent Cholera?

    To prevent cholera, people need to avoid drinking untreated water and eating foods that have been grown with contaminated water. In addition, people should wash their hands frequently with soap and clean water. If they do not have access to clean water, they should boil water before using it.

    Cholera Virus Facts, Symptoms & Treatment

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Medical Editorial Board

    Medical Editorial Board

    Approved by on 26.09.2022

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    Infectious Diseases

    Prof. M.D.

    Alaettin PAHSA

    Koru Sincan Hospital

    Infectious Diseases

    Specialist M.D.

    Ali ÖZÖN

    Koru Ankara Hospital