Why Do We Need Anesthesia?
Anesthesia is used to prevent pain during surgery. Learn why we need anesthesia and what happens when we don't have it!
Anesthesia is an important part of any surgical procedure. It helps patients feel comfortable while under the knife, and prevents them from feeling pain.
Painful Surgery Without Anesthesia Can Be Fatal
If you've ever had surgery without anesthesia, you know how painful it can be. In fact, some surgeries require general anesthesia because the patient will not tolerate the pain. However, there are other reasons why people choose to undergo surgery without anesthesia.
The Brain Controls Pain
The brain controls our senses, so it makes sense that it also controls pain. When the brain receives signals from the body that something hurts, it sends out messages to the spinal cord and then down into the nerves that carry those messages to the rest of the body. These nerve fibers send messages to the brain telling it that something hurts. This process is called nociception.
When You're Undergoing Surgery, You May Not Feel Anything
If you've ever had an operation, you probably experienced some level of pain before receiving anesthesia. However, even though you were under general anesthesia, you might not feel anything at all. That's because the drugs given to you by the anesthesiologist block the sensation of pain.
Injuries Caused by Unconscious Patients Are Common
While there are many reasons people choose not to receive anesthesia, one reason is that they believe they will suffer more than they would with no anesthesia. This is often true, as injuries caused by unconscious patients are common. These injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to broken bones and internal bleeding.
Anesthesia Is Used During Many Other Procedures
There are many other procedures where anesthetics are used. In fact, some surgeries do not require any type of anesthesia at all. However, these procedures are rare. Most surgeries involve general anesthesia, which means that the patient is put into a deep sleep while receiving medication to help them relax.