Recurrent Miscarriages Are Not Unsolvable
Obstetrics and Gynecology

Recurrent Miscarriages Are Not Unsolvable

    Recurrent Miscarriages Are Not Unsolvable

    While pregnancy losses cause both physical and psychological wear on couples who want to have a child and their environment, the recurrence of these pregnancy losses makes the situation more severe. Recurrent pregnancy loss may occur due to various reasons. It is very important to reveal and evaluate the possible causes of these losses in consideration with the related couple in order to avoid pregnancy loss once again. Today, the cause of pregnancy loss for many couples has not yet been identified. As a clinic that receives many applications due to this problem, we review many processes.

    In the group that cannot be explained as one of these reasons, we have focused on the immune system in recent years. Especially in the pregnancies obtained, we get successful results with personalized treatments that are directly effective on the immune system in the process of the baby’s placement in the uterus.

    Unexplained causes of recurrent miscarriage

    The presence of two or more pregnancy losses under 20 weeks is defined as recurrent pregnancy loss. Studies have shown that genetic problems, uterinerelated pathologies, endocrine organ diseases suchas thyroid and diabetes, coagulation disorders and consumption of toxic substances such as cigarettes may be among the underlying causes of miscarriage. However, these reasons make up only about half of all cases of recurrent pregnancy loss.

    Especially in recent years, after studies at the molecular and genetic level, it was determined that the immunological structure of couples, namely the immune system, might be one of the main reasons underlying recurrent miscarriages, and the ‘immune system’ might play a key role, especially in the presence of undetermined losses. The most important reason for defining this rather new concept is the studies at the molecular level, which show that pregnancy in couples creates a barrier system in the mother’s womb that will protect itself from defense systems as well as ensure its nutrition and growth. As a result of such genetic studies, it is thought that the immune response of the mother, both at the systemic and uterine level, is very important in the continuation of pregnancies, and the development of treatment plans on this subject will positively affect pregnancy outcomes.

    Personalized treatment

    For many years, instead of finding the cause for recurrent pregnancy losses, results were obtained with standard treatments, and accordingly, less successful results were obtained in these cases. However, with the experience gained after clinical studies, it has been observed that much better results are obtained with the help of ‘personalized’ treatments.

    “Immune profiling” is performed in women by examining the changes and differences in the levels of immune system markers, which are defined at the level of the uterine inner tissue and microenvironment, which we often prefer, especially in cases where various studies are conducted for recurrent pregnancy loss and no results can be found and accordingly, successful results are obtained with personalized treatments acting directly on the immune system.

    Since this system has different responses and levels for each mother and couple, it is seen that it would be much more rational and beneficial to determine the immune response for the couples and to obtain a pregnancy after an appropriate treatment. One of the most important points here is that after the formation of the immune profile we mentioned, treatment starts for some couples before pregnancy, while in some cases treatment is planned with the help of different agents, which will continue after the pregnancy is obtained.

    Recurrent pregnancy loss program

    Under the leadership of physicians specializing in reproductive medicine and genetics, a personalized diagnosis and treatment program is implemented for recurrent pregnancy losses in Koru Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic. Very successful results are obtained when an experienced staff from different branches such as endocrinology and biochemistry physicians, psychologists and nutritionists take an active role in the diagnosis and treatment plan. A “Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Program” has been established in our Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic.

    Psychological support is important in recurrent pregnancy loss

    What makes the recurrent pregnancy program unique is the understanding of the psychological and emotional stress associated with these losses that women and couples face. The advanced technology and molecular-level alternative methods we have in diagnostic methods create more technological and effective ‘personalized’ treatment plans, and we are getting more and more successful in achieving satisfactory pregnancy results with a multidisciplinary approach. We share the happiness of the families with the successful and positive results we have achieved for each family when we have reached a solution to this important problem.

    Recurrent Miscarriages Are Not Unsolvable

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Approved by on 27.01.2022

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