Causes of Spleen Enlargement What causes spleen enlargement?

Causes of Spleen Enlargement What causes spleen enlargement?

    Causes of Spleen Enlargement What causes spleen enlargement?

    Causes of Spleen Enlargement

    What causes spleen enlargement?

    The spleen is an organ in the abdomen that helps filter blood cells and bacteria from the body. It also stores red blood cells for later use. Spleen enlargement occurs when there is too much fluid in the abdominal cavity.

    Learn about the most common causes of enlarged spleens.

    There are several possible reasons why the spleen might become enlarged. One reason is that the spleen has been damaged by trauma or infection. Another cause is that the spleen is enlarged because of cancerous tumors. Other possible causes include certain medications, autoimmune diseases, and other medical conditions.



    If the spleen becomes enlarged due to an infection, then it will usually return to its normal size after treatment with antibiotics. However, if the spleen becomes enlarged because of cancer, then it won't go away even after treatment.



    There are two main categories of spleen enlargement: cancerous and noncancerous. A cancerous spleen is one that has been affected by cancer cells. Noncancerous spleens are those that have not been affected by cancer.



    Anemia is a condition where there is an insufficient number of red blood cells circulating in the body. This results in low oxygen levels throughout the body. In addition, an enlarged spleen can cause anemia because it takes up space in the abdomen.


    Autoimmune Disorders

    There are several autoimmune disorders that affect the immune system. These disorders can lead to inflammation and swelling of tissues and organs.

    Causes of Spleen Enlargement What causes spleen enlargement?

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Approved by on 07.11.2022

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    Prof. M.D.


    Koru Ankara Hospital