What Causes a Headache - What are the Symptoms - How Does the Headache Go?

What Causes a Headache - What are the Symptoms - How Does the Headache Go?

    What Causes a Headache - What are the Symptoms - How Does the Headache Go?

    Everyone has experienced a headache problem at some point in their life. Headache is one of the most common health problems in our country and all over the world. In the research, it has been determined that one out of every ten people who apply to the family doctor presents with a headache problem. In addition, the reason for referral for one out of every three patients referred to neurology is headache. Headache is one of the health problems that can be seen in every person, regardless of age, gender or any decisive difference. There can be many underlying causes of the headache problem. In addition, headaches can be mild, but also severe headaches that can affect the social life of the person and even affect the quality of life.


    In our article, we will try to give detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions about headache, which is one of the most common health problems in the world. In addition, you can find the answers to the questions of what are the headache areas, what are the types of headaches and what causes the headache in the continuation of our article.


    What is Headache?

    Headache, which is one of the most common health problems in the world and which everyone experiences in their life, is seen in almost 50% of the society according to researchers. Headache can be seen in people of all ages and all genders without any distinguishing features. According to recent studies, it has been determined that it is more common in women than in men. Headache is defined as the pain, throbbing or squeezing sensation seen in a certain part or all of the head with its simplest definition. There are many nerve and tissue structures around our heads that are sensitive to pain. Factors such as the pressure, contraction, relaxation or displacement of one or more of the ear, periosteum, eardrum, nose, throat, veins or arteries, especially the muscles in the head and neck parts, cause headaches. All these situations cause headaches by affecting the pain sensitive nerve and tissue structure around our head.


    The most detailed research for headache, which is one of the most common health problems not only in our country but also in the world, is carried out by the International Headache Association. The International Headache Association has classified the types of headache as 14 main groups and hundreds of subgroups as a result of detailed research. It has been observed that 90% of all headache types are composed of tension headache and migraine headaches. 


    What causes headaches?

    Our brain is one of the organs in our body that does not feel pain due to its tissue structure. However, the veins and arteries around our head and feeding the brain, especially the ear, nose, sinus, brain membrane, teeth, eyes, neck and back muscles are sensitive to pain. Considering all these pain sensitive parts, there can be many headache causes. For this reason, headache types are divided into groups according to their causes. Considering all this information, we cannot give a single answer to the question of what causes headaches, because headaches can occur for many different reasons. In addition, the severity, duration and pain area of ​​headaches caused by different reasons may differ from person to person. Headache, which has quite a variety, can sometimes go away on its own within a few hours, but sometimes it can last for days. In addition, in some types of headaches, the severity is quite mild, while in others, it can affect the quality of life of the person.


    What are the Causes of Headache?

    The answer to the question of what are the causes of headache differs according to the type of headache. Therefore, we cannot say that there is only one reason for ligament pain. As a result of the examinations made according to the type of headache, the main cause of the headache can be determined. However, if we classify the causes of headache as a result of the researches;


    • Eye disorders,
    • Traumas,
    • İnfections,
    • Changes in intracranial pressure,
    • Brain tumors,
    • Stress and psychological disorders
    • Low water consumption or hunger
    • Health problems related to blood vessels,


    It is one of the most common causes of headache. In addition, it is known that hypertension, misuse of some drugs, falling in the head area, and hitting causes headaches.


    What Are Headache Zones? What Are the Types of Headaches?

    The International Headache Society classifies headache types into 14 main groups and hundreds of subgroups. This is because there are many conditions that can cause work headaches. In addition, headache can be seen in different parts or all around the head, or it can be felt in different intensities. The most common types of ligament pain are classified according to the places where the headache is felt. If we list these headache types;



    Migraine is one of the most severe and severe types of headache that usually occurs in only one half of the head and face. It is felt on only one side of the head, which distinguishes it from other types of headaches. Migraine headaches are also divided into many subtypes. For example, chronic migraine headache is one of these subtypes and is felt for at least 15 days in a month. The duration of migraine headache varies between 4 and 72 hours.


    Tension Type Headache

    It is one of the most common types of headaches. Tension-type headache is felt throughout the head. It feels as if there is a tight band around the head. The cause of tension-type headache occurs as a result of the tension of the muscles in the head circumference, jaw, neck and face region. The pain usually starts from the back of the head and spreads forward to the entire head. Gradually increasing headache also decreases and disappears.


    Cluster Headache

    Cluster headache is a type of headache that is less common than other types of headaches, but is quite severe when it makes itself felt. It makes itself felt distinctly on one side of the face or behind the eyes. Cluster headache sufferers describe this pain as a feeling of being stabbed in their head or being hollowed out. Cluster headache, which is extremely severe, can cause watering in the eyes and even a runny nose. The cause of cluster headache has not been determined yet, but it has been determined that it is 9 times more common in men than in women.

    In addition to all these headache types, headache due to high blood pressure, headache due to trigeminal neuralgia and headache due to sinusitis are types of headache classified according to the location of the headache.


    How Does a Headache Go?

    The most important treatment method to relieve headache is to first determine the type of pain and its underlying causes. Depending on the type of headache, the treatment to be applied is decided by the specialist doctor. If the severity of the headache is mild, simple painkillers can be used to control the pain. However, these pain relievers should be taken at the onset of pain. Since headaches can occur due to many reasons, if your headaches are severe or long-lasting, you should definitely consult a neurologist.

    As a Koru Hospital team, we tried to answer the questions of what is a headache, why, what are the causes, what are the regions and types, and what causes the headache. We hope it was a useful article. You can contact us to get more information about headaches or to get an appointment with our specialist doctors.




    What Causes a Headache - What are the Symptoms - How Does the Headache Go?

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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